Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Ok, so this guy acted a little unfair with some of the punishments he enforced onto the Saints organization and players.  It is also known that he didn't even have enough sufficient evidence to whether or not the players were even guilty of such charges.  I guess we HAVE to admit that the coaches really were, though.  I know the commissioner is trying to prove a point by being so stern and even making an example to save his ass for all the lawsuits he's got out against him.  I'm not saying I like him all that much or that he didn't do anything wrong, but losing our coach and our season is not a REAL tragedy.  I'm sorry, but I am a huge fan myself, but it just isn't, and this guy helped our organization when we were experiencing a real tragedy(Katrina), and is a big part of the reason our team did not get moved in 2005.  So if you are thinking of throwing shit at Goodell when he comes down to the city next week or even just yelling at him, remember you are showing ignorance and sort of a lack of class.  This dude didn't do all that much wrong in reality.  That's right, reality people, let's be real here. In the words of the great John Lennon, "Let It Be".

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